30 December 2013
Christmas Trip to Nepal
Our Christmas Trip to Nepal has become a regularly scheduled event on the calendar now. I guess we will do it every year. It is the time that we begin work on the annual updates on each child in the program-- both for our own records and for the sponsors. Beginning with Nepal, we travel to each country, taking the new photos, filling in the reports, distributing and receiving letters between the children and the sponsors. It is very time consuming and must be done very carefully. The names of the children are often very similar and if they are new to the program, I might not recognize them by face. So, step one is to identify the correct child. Step 2 is to get the proper identification on each item-- photo, report, letter. Step 3 is to make sure we have all the materials as we leave each place. The, there are so many more little steps as we update our data space, scan reports into folders, label and file the photos. I am so grateful for the people who help with all of these necessary things. I went to Nepal with a team of 4 women ( including me). We packed Christmas bags for more than 500 children. We traveled to or from another area in Nepal almost every day. When we returned to our guest house each night, it was time to pack bags for the next day. But the reward was seeing the children get their bags. These were poor children who would receive very little, if anything for Christmas. Their bags contained a Bible and song book, a Christmas craft, toothbrush, hand knitted hat, letters from their sponsor, T-shirt, school supplies, candy. They also heard the Christmas story from Scripture. If the child was new to our program, s/he might have been hearing the story for the very first time. What a privilege to be the one to share it with them.
23 November 2013
Oct 13 Medical Ministry in Nepal
It is not too hard for folks to imagine what we do in the medical ministry. We set up tables. We sort out our medicines. We organize the people to see the doctor in turn. What is difficult to describe is how we manage to get up a mountain to reach a people who have little access to any kind of health care. We were a group of 18 people and a mountain of supplies in three trucks. I was the only American in what was most definitely a Nepali project. Two of our trucks were four wheel drive, but still became stuck in some of the deep muddy ditches. The other truck was a two wheel drive and got stuck in EVERY ditch. There is no way to get a tow truck up in this mountain. We had to rely on man power to keep progress moving. Fortunately, we had a good group of young men with us. I slept in a store (storage) building literally hanging on the side of a mountain with six other women with me.The men slept in the church, which was closer to the toilets. Twas necessary to scale a rock face to get first to the store building and then on up to the church where we held the clinics. During the day, people sat on the rock as they waited their turn to see the doctor. During the night, I climbed the rock several times- in the dark--one handed (mobile phone shedding light in the other hand) and with full bladder to reach the church and then the walk way to the toilets. I love adventure.
During the day, we showed the Jesus video in Nepali, from the back of one of the trucks. The people gathered and watched it over and over. At night, the big screen was brought out and the Jesus Video was the social event of the year for a village without much ( any) technology. Now we are praying that the words they heard and the truths they learned will take root in their hearts, that they will be drawn to the Lord and to the little church in their village.
We have 6 children in our sponsorship program from this village. The children must walk for hours to get from their homes to the place to meet me for the annual Allow gathering. I always feel badly about it, but there is nothing that can be done. I need to meet every child at least once a year-- for accountability. If they come, then I know that they are getting their money. If they are still in school, then we know how the great part of their sponsorship money is being spent. I need to get a new photo and progress report each year and we also give them each a Christmas bag. This year, the bag will contain a new T-shirt, Bible, warm hat, school notebooks, a Christmas craft, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, candy and hopefully a letter from their sponsor.
We have 6 children in our sponsorship program from this village. The children must walk for hours to get from their homes to the place to meet me for the annual Allow gathering. I always feel badly about it, but there is nothing that can be done. I need to meet every child at least once a year-- for accountability. If they come, then I know that they are getting their money. If they are still in school, then we know how the great part of their sponsorship money is being spent. I need to get a new photo and progress report each year and we also give them each a Christmas bag. This year, the bag will contain a new T-shirt, Bible, warm hat, school notebooks, a Christmas craft, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, candy and hopefully a letter from their sponsor.
Bangla Adventure
Bangladesh is always an adventure. I needed to visit two children's homes and one village where we have a sponsorship program and a meeting with children of pastors/evangelists from many areas of the country who are under our sponsorship. Children in the photo are in the tribal "hill tracts" area. It is high in altitude, far to travel, far from city and civilization. No American would question the term if I called it "remote mountains," but Asians call them "hills" if there are no snow caps. Each of these children is from a difficult life situation with extreme poverty as only one aspect of it. It is doubtful that any one of them even heard the name of Jesus before coming to the home. Missionary work of any kind is strictly prohibited. There is a difficult permit process even for me to make the visit. But we can support and encourage Bangla believers as they work with these people. One little children's home is there, with 30+ children learning of the Savior and preparing to return as witnesses to their own people. The ministry of a children's home is so much more than just feeding and caring for the orphan. I must drive for hours over some of the roughest road conditions that there is to reach this home. Then walking for a while, crossing the Sangu River... things were dry going in, but the rain poured on the way out. We must pass several check points before a certain time on the way out, so it was not possible to wait for the rain to stop. The slick mud underfoot was just as difficult as what was coming from the sky. There was no choice but to sit and slide down the mud embankment, which was at least 30 feet. When I stepped into the river to rinse off the mud, the current was stronger than it looked. It "took" me and I was on my way down river, making my way slowly across without the boat-- and with the rain still beating down. I was already soaked anyway. If you are a sponsor of an LFH child, know that your new photo and progress report is hard won.
Oct 2013 Building Project
Maranatha Children's Home is not just a place to house and feed children. It is a training center for those who will go out and witness among the unreached people of this area. We have 25 children who are preparing to return to their villages-- able to read and write and with a solid Bible foundation. Each one has led praise and worship. Each one is fluent in the language and culture and ready to make an impact for the Lord in whatever walk of life He leads them.
The building team made the trip to Nepal to begin the next phase of the Maranatha Project. The second floor of the children's home is started. When it is complete, we can double the number of children and we can separate boys and girls on different floors. This ministry is growing. The next building team trip will be in May 2014.
08 September 2013
Critical needs in Haiti
I think everyone knows that Haiti is a poor country, struggling in every area of life, especially since the earthquake of 2010. The aid which poured in following the earthquake did not reach everyone. Even those who were fortunate enough to receive some help find it winding down now. These little ones were not born at the time of the earthquake, though still it affects them. The orphanage where they lived once had a modest building, but it crumbled to the ground and has never been rebuilt. Now the daily focus is on finding and preparing food for the children. Clothing is minimal. Medical care is minimal. Schooling is minimal. Survival is the goal of each day.
Completed the church for Los Limonas
Three different ministry teams worked on this church project in Guatemala for the village of Los Limonas. In March, Timberlake Christian Schools Senior class laid the foundation and the roof, leaving a very good place of worship for this village. In June, the next group came and raised the walls. Then, following them, a third group came, applied the plaster and the paint-- leaving a completed building for the honor and glory of the Lord.
Ministry in Nicaragua
Every country where we work has its own special beauty, but I find myself gasping at the Lord's amazing handiwork in Nicaragua. The island of Ometepe was formed by volcanoes which are still active. Volcanic ash still forms a cloud at the top of the volcano and falls all over the island. It takes more than an hour to reach the island by motorized boat. How did the original people come and WHY did they make the crossing? But they did and today a thriving community populates the little island. We spent a few days teaching the pastors and a separate class just for the wives. Our team visited homes during the day and preaching in a different village church every evening. We distributed Bibles. We hope that we left some bit of c blessing and knowledge for these beautiful people who serve the Lord on the island.
In the capital city of Managua, our Belen Home grows and thrives. The children have mved to anew home since our last visit. It has more space and more yard. These young ones are growing up well grounded in the faith that we hope they will carry back to their families as they move into adulthood.
30 May 2013
Banana Trees
Banana trees are a lot like children's ministry. They are beautiful. They need care. They need time to grow and mature. A few may fail along the way. But the day comes, when they return all of that investment. Wonderful and delicious bananas will grow, providing nutrition for the children and those in excess might provide some income for other good food. Our college team traveled to Nepal in May and planted 50 new banana trees at Maranatha Children's Home. The ground was hard and dry, but the Lord sent a burst of rain on the day after the planting. What a blessing! They say it will take about 18 months before the first fruits will come. We have worked and funded and planted looking towards that day when the investment will return.
The Maranatha children are also an investment in the future. We want to build and bless each of their personal lives. We are providing safety, good food, education, Bible training and ministry experience of all kinds. We are looking towards the day when the Lord will use each precious life for His work and His glory. We hope the children will spread out, returning to the villages, teaching the Word, leading worship and following the Lord as beautiful examples of lives dedicated to Him. We want to add a second floor to Maranatha to complete the project, to accommodate the number of children originally envisioned and to provide separate floors for boys and girls. We are praying for this project and trusting the Lord to provide for it as He has all things thus far.
The Maranatha children are also an investment in the future. We want to build and bless each of their personal lives. We are providing safety, good food, education, Bible training and ministry experience of all kinds. We are looking towards the day when the Lord will use each precious life for His work and His glory. We hope the children will spread out, returning to the villages, teaching the Word, leading worship and following the Lord as beautiful examples of lives dedicated to Him. We want to add a second floor to Maranatha to complete the project, to accommodate the number of children originally envisioned and to provide separate floors for boys and girls. We are praying for this project and trusting the Lord to provide for it as He has all things thus far.
Pastor Training in Nepal
In May 2013, we held our first pastor training in the new Maranatha Church building. What a blessing to see 40 pastors/leaders gather for three days from several areas around the country of Nepal. We have prayed and hoped and worked towards this day for a long time. Not only the church, but a little separate kitchen needed to be built and still another separate building for toilets to prepare for this day and future training sessions. We hope these leaders will be strengthened and encouraged through the teaching and that they will return to their people to share the training with others that God's Word will multiply. We are praising the Lord for the many people who contributed money, time and prayer to this project. May the Lord use it for His glory.
29 March 2013
New Address
We have a new address for Allow The Children. I guess this is not a huge step in the eternal scheme of things, but our little ministry is growing and multiplying. We need to separate our ministry mail and personal mail. Please make a note of it.
20 March 2013
A place for Worship in a Guatemala Village
The Senior class of Timberlake Christian Schools, 4th year in a row, traveled to Guatemala under Allow The Children. The main project of the trip was to build a worship
“shelter” for a village where there were no believers just a short
time ago. A Guatemalan evangelist is working
there and a few people had come to the Lord.
After a baby became very ill and was taken to the mission compound
for treatment, more people came. None of the small homes seemed
adequate as a place to meet, so the people gathered under a tree. Our
project completed a gathering place with walls about half high,
concrete floor and tin roof. It is not a full building, but a LOT
of ground preparation, moving cinder blocks and mixing concrete
went into it. On the last day, we gathered there for a
worship service and dedication and it is ready to be used for their
regular worship time. Please see the photo taken
at the dedication. At this point, our plan for the summer teams is
to continue to build up the walls and hope to finish a building that can
be enclosed to keep chairs, etc inside. In addition to that,
we served a hot meal in 3 different villages,
distributed clothing and shoes, painted buildings for the
orphanage, preached in 2 church services, music and
testimonies in the church services, teaching
Sunday School for the children, brought our 30
Chiquimula children into the compound to spend vouchers
with their sponsorship money to get things they needed. I
think the Timberlake Christian School
senior class got a great experience with missions and ministry
(1) among the poor and needy, (2) in a different country and
language group, (3) with village and orphanage children
(4) building that will last and serve for worship . I am looking
forward to doing this again with 2 more groups this summer and a similar
ministry in Nicaragua with still another group.
Slum Ministry, inner city of Nepal
The slum is a study in contrasts. There are long term families who have collected enough scrap metal and wood to make themselves a relatively sturdy dwelling, some that can even be closed and locked. A more common situation are those who have made a frame of bamboo and cover it with literally anything--pieces of cloth, newspaper, plastic tarp ( to be envied) or plastic bags torn open and taped together which is better than nothing. The family pictured above had nothing. It was February of 2013. The temperature dropped to bitter cold at night and it poured rain on the night of this photo. They were "camped out" on garbage strewn bank with the filthy river on one side and the slum dwellings just a few steps away on the opposite side. The mother was trying to wash clothes, though it seems that they could not have been more dirty than the water she was using. The man paced about the family's few possessions. They may have lost their home in a flood, which is common in Nepal. Or they may have come into the capital city to find work, which is also a common story. I stood and watched them for a while with the evangelist we support standing beside me. They are not part of our church ministry in the slum and none of our believers there know them-- yet. But I am grateful that the little church is just a short walk down the river. It is thriving in this unlikely environment, almost filled to capacity at each week day worship. So much so that the children are taken out for a separate program. I do not know how this family came to be homeless, but they came to a place where the Lord Jesus Christ is known and shared. They will have a chance to come to know Him. They will be offered some physical help first, just as the Lord often did in His ministry-- perhaps for the children. Then they will hear words to meet their spiritual needs. As you read this, please pray for them.
Trisuli Ministry in the mountains of Nepal
This photo is the ground where the Trisuli church, Nepal, used to be. This is a very needy and remote area where we have 30 children in sponsorship. We hold pastor training here 2X a year and annual medical clinics. The church has had a huge crack in the side since the earthquake a few years ago and in fear, the people have taken the whole building down and plan to do all of the labor themselves to rebuild. We will make a project of helping with funds for the materials. We are praying that this very important center of worship for this area will soon be back under roof and in use
While in Trisuli, we received a 14 year old girl for Maranatha Home, older than we usually accept for new children. Her father died a few months ago, devastating the family. They lost their home and now with no income, depend on the church for a little daily food. Two younger siblings were taken in by others. The mother, with no other job skills, will become a live in house servant, working all day, 7 days a week for little more than food. This girl was in great danger of the very same situation. Girls as young as eight are taken in as house workes, often due to circumstances very similar to this. As a house worker at least she has shelter and food-- but it is often not the same food as what the family eats. There will be no more school and very little chance that life will ever be any better. But-- this girl is coming to Maranatha. She is only one among thousands. But the Lord has drawn her to our ministry and we are excited to see what he will do with her life. She needs a sponsor who will pray for her faithfully, especially in this transition period when she is leaving her mother and her home in the mountains.
While in Trisuli, we received a 14 year old girl for Maranatha Home, older than we usually accept for new children. Her father died a few months ago, devastating the family. They lost their home and now with no income, depend on the church for a little daily food. Two younger siblings were taken in by others. The mother, with no other job skills, will become a live in house servant, working all day, 7 days a week for little more than food. This girl was in great danger of the very same situation. Girls as young as eight are taken in as house workes, often due to circumstances very similar to this. As a house worker at least she has shelter and food-- but it is often not the same food as what the family eats. There will be no more school and very little chance that life will ever be any better. But-- this girl is coming to Maranatha. She is only one among thousands. But the Lord has drawn her to our ministry and we are excited to see what he will do with her life. She needs a sponsor who will pray for her faithfully, especially in this transition period when she is leaving her mother and her home in the mountains.
10 February 2013
New Video for Allow
Caleb Lee-- a very young man with a very big talent is making a second trip to Nepal with me. He will be taking video which will become a DVD to help us draw sponsors for more children. Caleb has an amazing gift for capturing and communicating with his camera. We are so grateful that he is willing to give his time and talent for this ministry.
See his website at: eastwestproductions.com
See his website at: eastwestproductions.com
07 February 2013
Tania's House in Haiti
The poorest country in the western hemisphere
is still recovering from the 2010 earthquake and 2012 hurricane. Immediately
after the disasters, big organizations came in and distributed tents and food
and medicine. Most of that has ended now, but the suffering continues. The big aid organizations did not see Tania's children's home. They lost their house in the earthquake, but somehow obtained a little piece of land. A fairly solid, but very small house was quickly raised-- concrete walls and a tin roof. Now 15 children and one mother with her baby live in one room. Though few possession were evident and water for any purpose has to be carried for a ways-- the children were clean and reasonably dressed. None seemed to be unusually thin. Their hair and eyes held the brightness that is quickly lost when nutrition is poor. Their living standard was incredibly low, but the house father was at least feeding and clothing them. My first thought was that Allow could not be the donor for a home as poor as this one. Our children in other countries live very simply, but not as low a standard as this one.
I offered my hands to pick up Tania, the little girl in the photo. Not only did she accept and let me take her, but she grabbed me around the neck and held me tightly. In that moment, the decision was made. I would return to the US and do what I could to make her life and that of the others better. The man responsible for these children is a fellow believer struggling in amazingly difficult circumstances and the Lord has placed them in front of my eyes-- and in my arms. I do not know Tania's story. The information on the children has not come from Haiti yet. I know that she is an orphan-- but she is with people who care for her. I know that she lives in a crowded room-- but she is safe. Her clothing was torn, but it was clean.
Haiti was mostly what I expected-- hot, poor, chaotic, dirty, busy and somewhat dangerous. But the people are very dear. The Lord has a people called out for His name from this little country. They mostly walk where they go. They eat rice and beans. They carry their water. They speak French and Creole. I hope we can help these children by meeting some needs, providing some education, seeing to their discipleship and watch them grow into grounded witnesses for our Lord. It means more recruiting for sponsors. It means more trips to Haiti. It means more paper work. It means more obligations. We are going to do it. And we already love it.
15 January 2013
Pastor Training, Nepal
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