In the past few months of 2012, we have had three ministry project trips to Guatemala. One of the things I love to do is to go into the villages and
help a little bit. We might distribute some food or clothing, medicine or Bibles. We might do some teaching. But the thing that helps long term and really turns a child's life around is sponsorship. After they have been sponsored for a few months, we find children carrying books and doing homework instead of playing in the mud. They wear simple clothing, but it is no longer torn and filthy. It makes a difference in their lives.

In 2012, we had groups doing projects like replacing a roof on a elder home. We went into villages and gathered children for Bible stories, crafts and games. We held a medical clinic. We worked in feeding centers. We did some construction, some painting, some lifting and carrying. And we shared God's Word along the way. They were little seeds dropped and nurtured as we were able and then left for what the Lord would do with them.
For 2013, we will be forming groups to go to Guatemala in March and in June. Contact us to join the team.