19 December 2012
Women's conference in the jungle
Women's conferences are one of the common events we do in Nepal. It may not seem to be work that fits under the name, "Allow The Children," but discipling those who teach and care for the children is one of the most important parts of a ministry to children. We actually do nearly as much work with the churches as we do directly with children-- pastor training, Bible (and other Christian literature) distributions, Jesus Video outreaches into villages, medical clinics,occasional building projects. Hence the motto we are using "Loving His Children; Building His Church." Special events and training for men outnumber those for women, probably threefold, so it is a privilege to do something just for the women. The cost is minimal. We usually provide lunch. For this conference in October 2012, I was the only speaker. They have some praise and worship, prayer times during the breaks, but I was scheduled for four speaking sessions which is a challenging day for me in the best of circumstances. And I was not at my best on this day. I had been suffering with some significant back pain which was worse when Standing for a long period. Fortunately, I could walk around a little bit as I talked. At the lunch break, our Nepali partner found a bed for me in a nearby home. As I lay there among the simple furnishings, I wondered ( not for the first time) what I was doing here. I pondered the fact that I was about an hour into the jungle, speaking in a village church in a little country on the opposite side of the planet from my own home country. Why did the Lord let me do this? I would never have imagined that I would be here.There were certainly stronger believers, more eloquent speakers, more educated prepared women, certainly better physically fit women who could be doing this teaching. I also wondered why I loved being here. It was hot. Bugs were biting. My back hurt. I was not that fond of eating rice every day and it was difficult to avoid the spicy foods that sometimes made me.... let's just say sick...for a few hours after even one or two small bites. I was struggling to prepare what to say in the next session. It was easy to think of the negatives. But right along side all of it, were people who are hungry for God's Word, children who need help and a place clearly where the Lord has brought me to serve. I rested and then went out to tell precious sisters in the Lord of the time when a young girl was found to be with child. She gave up all of her own hopes and dreams and plans to turn her heart to her God and say, "Behold, I am your handmaid. Do with me as you choose." Of course, it was an amazing, special privilege to raise the Child Jesus from a baby. She must have felt very unworthy and inadequate at times. But it was the assignment the Lord gave her. The right thing to do is to accept it, thank Him for it, and then to give the very best we can in whatever He chooses to do with our lives. That is what I want to do. And I think it is alright that I love the work.