07 October 2014

Medical Clinics in Nepal 2014

As I write this entry,  I am preparing to return to Nepal, less than a month since  the trip to  Burundi, Africa.  I am feeling a significant sense of urgency.  In actual fact, everything is on schedule, but  the departure day rushes towards me.  The medical clinics are a very important part of our ministry. It is perhaps the most effective, focused evangelism that we do.    As the people wait to see the doctor, our team has teachers telling the gospel  story with a flip chart of  Bible pictures.  Pastors move through the people-- meeting them, talking with them, building relationships that will bring them back  to the church later on. They pray with those who are open to that-- and many are.  At night,  the big screen goes up and the  Jesus video is shown over and over to people who  sit fully  focused on the story. We bring medical care to people who might-- because of distance and inability to pay-- never see a doctor.  Their  spiritual needs are just as great as the physical needs and for those who are ready to receive it-- the need is filled. The churches  grow after the medical clinics have some to their  village. Seeing the doctor, gives  a Hindu a reason to step into the church.  He meets the pastor and he gets some needed care and medicine from the doctor. At the end of the day, we have distributed a lot of vitamins, acetaminophen, antibiotic ointments and antacids. Most of the complaints are not life threatening-- but we usually do screen some  conditions that need  serious or ongoing treatment and we refer them to places where they can receive help with at least the first step in the process done.  Medical clinics are busy and tiring, but very satisfying to know that the Lord will multiply and use the investment  for His glory.