23 November 2014

The work continues-- in Bangladesh.

 I was in the village in  Bangladesh taking  new photos of children who are in our sponsorship program.  Those in the picture here are the "neighbors" who spent their day watching what we were doing. Technically,  I guess they were on their side of the "street"and we were  doing some different, out of the ordinary things.  Just having an  American woman  in the village was out of the ordinary.

The twenty children in sponsorship in this village are mostly orphans and half orphans ( one parent). They each have a tragic story that cannot be solved with  funding alone.  But funding provides  food and clothing and school-- all things that make misery easier to bear.  The kids have  hope for a future that they would not have without it.  They have a pastor who ministers to them, teaches them and walks the walk of faith in front of them in their own culture and environment.  A foreigner can certainly come in and draw attention.  But the faithful  Bangla believers are the ones who show the way to the Lord.  We help.   We love to be part of it.  But the Bangla pastor will be the one who will reach this family and disciple them, if they are willing.

There are thousands of villages  like this one throughout  Bangladesh.  Most of them do not have a sponsorship program for the  orphan children.  Most do not have a pastor, either.  The twenty children we are helping here are one drop in the bucket-- well, maybe twenty drops. But maybe among these twenty children at least a few will become pastors and spiritual leaders to others who need to here. We hope that everyone of them will become a faithful witness for the Lord in whatever path they follow in life. Supporting and educating these twenty are worth what it costs-- so worth it. They are worth the sponsorship  money we raise.  They are worth the trip that  I make.